As the fellowship lands at the feet of Amon Hen, they decide to rest. ‘Here we will rest tonight,’ said Aragorn. ‘This is the lawn of Parth Galen: a fair place in the summer days of old. Let us hope that no evil has yet come here.’
They started to set up their camp, it was rested around a small ruin from the days of Numenor. Sam, Boromir, and Aragorn began to draw their boats ashore, while Legolas kept watch on the other hobbits and Gimli, who were making camp. “There is a disturbance from afar, yet I do not know quite what it is!” Legolas yells to the other members of the fellowship. They begin to finally rest for a while.
A couple of hours later, there were black bars of cloud like the fumes of a great burning. ’Well, Frodo,’ said Aragorn at last. Fear the burden has come upon you at last to decide where the company shall go.’
‘I shall wish to think about this for a while’ said Frodo in return
It had been several hours since Frodo had left, and the fellowship had still not noticed the part of their group that was missing.
Meanwhile in the wood, Frodo was sitting on a log. ‘I can’t let the fellowship follow me into Mordor, it would be the end of them, and another great burden upon my shoulders I shall have to bear.’ He hears rattling from afar, but does not take notice of it as he is in deep thought. ‘But I will miss them very dearly.’ He ponders for a while longer.
He hears footsteps, and he turns. ‘Ah! The Ringbearer. So far from camp. Why is this?’ Boromir says to Frodo. ‘I have come to consider my options, but I do not know what to do.’
At camp, the fellowship is talking about what they want to do next. ‘I should vote to go to Minas Tirith next’ said Legolas ‘I wish to rest for a while, as I am weary.’ Sam sees a problem in this picture. ‘Where is Boromir?’ said Sam, interrupting the conversation. ‘Frodo!’
‘We should use the weapon against the enemy, so long have we defended against them, but with the Ring, we will finally be able to dominate our enemy!’ said Boromir, who has an evil look in his eyes No! I can’t,’ replied Frodo. ‘Will you then let me take the Ring?.’ Frodo felt a feeling of anger surge within him. He unsheathed Sting, the blade Bilbo had gave him, but he did not harm Boromir, as he noticed a shining blue on the blade. He slipped the Ring on. ‘No Frodo! Don’t take the ring to the enemy! I’m sorry.’ Boromir felt distressed and sad.
Frodo climbed to the top of Amon Hen where he did not take the Ring off. ‘I am sick of this burden, I should not have taken it in the first place. I miss Gandalf dearly, as he would know what I should do next. I miss the Shire.’ Frodo heard a horn that had not been Boromir’s.
Frodo began to notice after a while that the sounds of the outside world had been deafening, and an eye engulfed in flame was approaching. He took the ring off quickly and ran down the hill towards the boats.
As Frodo was running he almost was caught by Sam, but he had slipped the Ring on in an instant to avoid him. Frodo thinks to himself ‘I will miss Sam the most, the loyal friend he is.’
The fellowship was searching high and low for Frodo. They had also come into contact with Boromir, who said ‘He has taken the Ring, but I do not know what scared him.’ They all split into groups of two to find him.
As Frodo was running away, he saw other members of the fellowship run by him.
A bit later, he had finally made it to the beach, to see that it had been overrun by Uruk-hai. Remembering the story of Isildur, he did not try to swim and escape.